AITA for buying a white girl from the slave market?

Okay the title makes it seem worse than it seems but yeah , so I (63M) went to the slave market (500NB) as usual , because my (63M ) current slave (8F) tried to escape from the basement and i dont know why this generation (20Y) doesnt like working anymore , and As i was about to execute her she (8F) died of blood loss anyways, just a lil torture but yeah this generation is weak, anyways i (63M) went to the slave market (500NB) my ol friend jack (82M) greeted me since im a regular customer , so i saw this cute white (6F) girl for a good price (30$) , and ignored the black (10F) girl next to her (20$) , my friend jack (82M) gave me a disgusting look and told me what the fuck you racist xenophobic transophobic homophobic non binary , and kicked me out of the store..

So reddit , am i the asshole here?

Also need alternatives where i could get some cute slaves.

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