AITA for cumming all over my preschool teacher’s kid’s corpses?

AITA for cumming all over my preschool teacher’s kid’s corpses?

Could you really blame me? One was 5, the other was 3. Mmmmmmmmm 3. The younger the purer so I say.

So anyway I was fucking their throats including her husband’s asshole(he liked to be tied up by surprise I assumed the kids and the dog liked the same). Why was he screaming though? I mean the kids weren’t screaming, at least not the one I was fucking in the throat. Shit was so cash.

Anyway they die in the process. Not the dad though, he was just showing me his EPIC crying skills(seriously you’d actually believe he was in agony it was so realistic). How was I supposed to know the kids couldn’t hold their breath for 20 minutes(the length of a throatfucking session). Also they tried to bite but luckily I did an honorable thing and pulled their teeth out, saving them money on dental work.

The blood was excellent lube, btw!

All happened last week, and yet they had the audacity to kick me out of preschool! This is like the FIFTEENTH ONE!!! Like how am I supposed to fucking tolerate the sweet smell of all those little kids around me? Would you not cum inside a willing girl? OF COURSE YOU WOULD BECAUSE IT’S RARE BECAUSE GIRLS DON’T DO SHIT TO SEEM INTERESTED UNLESS YOU’RE ATTRACTIVE!

So anyway got annoyed with all the dad’s screaming and ended up cutting his dick and balls off. I thought they were giving him pain from the way he was strapped to the kitchen table. But he only screamed louder so I ended up doing the right thing by putting him out of his misery. I ejaculated on the kids corpses before I let him bleed to death after cutting his fingers off. Cum on I thought he hurt his fingers!

Anyways I thought the kids were just playing dead. You know how kids are. So I decided to give them a salty treat which was of course my cum.

All of a sudden I hear the door being unlocked, it’s the teacher! YAY! Except she didn’t want to play. She just wanted to compete with her husband’s screaming skills. Maybe it’s because I was dressed like scream? I mean Halloween was only 6 months away! I mean the kids were dressed up! They wanted to trick or treat as Adam and Eve!

She accidentally dropped her groceries. I offered to help so why would she yell at me? I’m guessing she thought dropping them was a major emergency so she locked herself in the basement(only lockable from the outside, so I helped her out). Anyway she must have thought police should help her with the groceries instead. Very kind of her to spare me the effort!

So police show up but they just wanted to play Cowboys and Indians instead, how fun!

Only they thought it would be more fun to use real guns, awesome! But I’m the Indian I guessed I was supposed to run into the woods yelling “HUEGHUEGHUEGHUEGHUEGH.”

So now here I am in the woods, a few dogs came to visit me but they were mean so I did the honorable thing and sacrificed them to the Indian gods. I used their skin to make a teepee. I didn’t eat them though, I didn’t want to get the coronavirus.

So here I am, at my reservation making spears so I can fight the cowboys.

So with all that being said, AITA?

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