AITA for smashing the skull of a guy who said ”bless you” to me?

I (24M, atheist) decided to go to the grocery store (Lidl), while I(24M, atheist) was walking past the fruit section(apples, oranges, etc.) I(24M, atheist) walked past a banana(I have an allergy to bananas ) which made me sneeze. Suddenly I(24M, atheist) heard a guy(40M) in the back say ”bless you”. When I(24M, atheist) heard him, I(24M, atheist) dropped everything( apples, pineapples, donuts) and jumped on him(40M) punching him(40M) in the face and smacking his(40M) skull till he(40M) died, but a security guard(20M) pulled me away from him(40M). I(24M, atheist) am currently on the run.

If I(24M, atheist) ever get caught by the racist cops, i’ll show this in court.

So Reddit, am I the Asshole?

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