AITA for telling homosexuals to get a girlfriend?

For conxext: I (32M from Brighton, UK) live in a shared basement and have a full time job moderating the “PummelParty Official Discord Server”. The server has a rather large community of homosexuals, and I recently noticed they were harrassing my girlfriend (13F) and my future girlfriend (11F). I stepped in immediately like any true Pummeler, and asked them what they were doing. They called me a “pedophile” and a “zoophile” (when in reality I am a “hebophile” and a “submissive”) and proceeded to tell both my girlfriend and my future girlfriend that I am an “4channer”. I am not, I am an user and I pride myself on my mannerisms. Anyway, after being interrupted by my mother, they weren’t being cooperative so I called them out for breaking rule 1, 2, 17, 31 and 186 sp I asked them to take it to DMs. In DMs they said I was a retard and a schizophrenic and told me I was a “weird-ass furry”. I couldn’t anymore so I got angry with the homosexuals and called them faggots. They got really depressed and said they would kill themselves and that I sould kill myslef and that they would kill my girlfriend and my future girlfriend and they would commit crimes against me, so I told them to get a girlfriend and maybe then they would not be so discriminative. They logged out after saying thet would kill my girlfriend (13F) and I haven’t heard from her for 5 minutes? AITA?

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