AITA for violating a pigeon? ( r/Teenagers )

I am under a time constraint currently so I apologize if this seems rushed.

All of this started towards the end of July. Both of my parents weren’t home (they went to dinner at an Italian place. So basically I, (15M) was horny, and because hent4ihaven was blocked (my parents found out) I didn’t have much choice. For context, I live by a park with loads of pigeons, they are generally trusting of humans. I grabbed one of the bigger pigeons and brought it inside. It was cooing, attempting to call out the other pigeons, but it’s effort was in vein. I was scarred at the time. It was too late, I had to do it. I brought to pigeon to my room. My heart was beating. I took off my pants and… Did it. Every thrust the pigeon would coo louder and louder. My dick barely fit inside its ass. When I finished I realized it had stopped responding. I had killed the pigeon. I was just mortified. I threw the pigeon outside my window and tried my best not to think about it. That was about 10 days ago.

I feel terrible for the pigeon. I feel this could have been prevented if hent4i wasnt blocked. I feel terrible for the pigeon in question

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