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Looking at thug porn in the car

I (14M) am currently in the car with my mom (44F). She is completely unsuspecting as to what I am currently doing right now. I am watching thug porn as i right this, and she has not a clue. She is positive that im straight, as i have a girlfriend, but I am currently watching…

Please help me out

Please help me out I was told to make this post, and your response dictates what happens next. So I’m straight but I suck at knowing how women work. I’ve been super lonely for a few years. I saw this femboy at this vape shop. I figured, what the hell. Next time I went into…

I’m telling you Wendy’s is my favorite fast food restaurant.

I’m telling you Wendy’s is my favorite fast food restaurant. I’m absolutely addicted to the junior bacon cheeseburger, baked potatoes, Dave’s doubles and spicy chicken sandwiches. Amazing every time I get them. The spicy chicken sandwich beats chic fil an and Popeyes in my opinion!… UPDATE!!!! Damn I can’t believe I left out that panko…


Sex. You receive sex. You are the sex. You do the sex. You perform the sex. Sex are the you. Sex is received. Sex is performed. Sex was done. Sex. Sex is us. Sex is gender. Sex is either of Male or Female. Sex

Trauma dump Manga commentor:

Also, I’m the type of person that can separate a lot of things in my brain. Such as this: my mother was insanely abusive and so was my stepfather. Starvation, beating, sleep deprivation, and other such things. I don’t speak to my mother anymore and my stepmonster has been out of my life for quite…

I, Jonny RaZeR hereby do solemnly swear

I, Jonny RaZeR hereby do solemnly swear that neither count chocula, fruit brute, nor yummy mummy will never be added to hit 2017 game Fortnite