I’m sick and tired of all the “I would smash and breed” jokes on twitter

I think I’m going to leave twitter altogether. I’m just sick and tired of all the “I would breed” and “I would smash” jokes on twitter. There are so many fictional characters I enjoyed, until twitter came along and said “OkAy HeAr Me OuT” It’s not something I can just ignore either. One person said he would smash A PHONE WITH EYES. I am so fucking done with these fucking breed jokes. Do you even know what ‘breeding” means? It means they’re being forced to have sex with you, and if they’re female, you’ll impregnate them and they’ll be forced to marry. I am just so angry, on how twitter doesn’t stop at children, old people, ANIMALS, AND ESPECIALLY ANYTHING THAT’S FUCKING FEMALE. i can’t enjoy any kind of fictional character and it’s all their fault. I just don’t get it. why do the find anything attractive, so say to say “I would breed?” Now every time I look at the characters, I would be able to stop thinking about the mf who wants to smash them.

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