Is it normal?

Is it normal to listen to the cantina band from Star Wars while I shower, and legit just jam to it for like five minutes while I waste water and slowly lose all sanity until I eventually hide from the music and want to murder it, but never being able to do so until I screech like Jar Jar Binks And hit pause, only to find out I lasted 8:53 in the 10 hour loop and realize I can’t stop listening to it and press play, being pulled into the spiral of madness and addiction, much like Joaquin Phoenix’s Oscar nominated Joker, as I contemplate things I’ve done in the shower, such as eating cheesecake from Kroger that was on the clearance section, and try to recreate Six Flags water park, knowing I’ll probably never go, but actually do during one summer, and hiding from Slender Man, holding the nozzle of a Philosophy bottle, pretending it’s a scythe I can use to kill him with, realizing I’m highly disturbed as the cantina band consumes my soul, exponentially increasing its power over me, craving more, and gluttonously takes over my life?

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