Nice game, pretty boy.

Peter says while moving in a 90⁰ angle “Nice game, pretty boy.” to the 5 year old child. People are confused and shocked at how peter called a 5 year old boy “pretty”. He was a respectable priest at the Saint Catholic church. Suddely someone whispered “Predictable.” As if the fact of a priest being a pedophile was plausible, but then the unexpectable happened, people started AGREEING with mysterious man. Peter the priest appeared on the news and white people started rioting about how religion is bad and how all priests are pedophiles. Churches started being burned and the ones that remained were FORCED to pay taxes. A white catholic priest called James was interviewed on his thoughts of Peter. He said bravely “Peter did nothing wrong, age is just a number after all” The interview was being recorded live and the 2nd 9/11 started. But this time it was supported by the government. Every priest was executed for liking young children until the last one remained. Peter the priest….. His finals words were “I’ll fuck young boys till the end” and he was shot dead. Everyone celebrated, it was truly a momentous day and thus everyone became liberal with a happy ever after.

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