Someone randomly pings me with this in a public discord server this morning.

” For the love of God, please do yourself a favor and die, because you’ll never amount to anything in this life. You disgusting little inbred parasitic fuck, you absolute toss of shit and slime. Do what everyone urges with such eagerness. Die, just stop existing. You’re the epitome of all that is bad. If you really were a man, you would stop existing immediately. You have no friggin’ right to live another second, bitch. You’re the very reason why most of humanity have lost faith in men to begin with. You disgusting piece of shit, you fraud. You’re the absolute antichrist of life, indeed. You are to existence what a fungus is to water; you are to nature what that kid with cancer, who died a few years back, was to life itself, a grinning abomination born of suffering that should’ve had consequences, but didn’t. You have made humanity more fucked up than it’s ever been, and you simply deserve to suddenly find out what the fuck when all everything world around you suddenly collapses on top of you, ending your lifetime and the only future you’ll ever have. Say goodbye, bitch. Never speak of yourself again. PS: You couldn’t even wipe your shit properly. “

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