The Romaboo story(Yes, this is still a Copypasta.)

“When I first stumbled upon the basement, I was completely unprepared for contents which it holds as my companion, Auxilius hands me the torch. The Basement room contains an old and worn bed in the middle of the room, with several skeletal remains scattered across the room, and on the middle of the bed was a Box with a on it with a note reading “To Maximus, do not open this as it contains dark secrets which may drown this world into an abyss, submerged with the void for eternity.” The implications given by the presence of the remains, seem to suggest to me that the box is best closed for good. I called Auxilius to enter the basement to carry the box and contact the local authorities under Governor Herodotus. But, as I and Auxilius were ready to carry the box, I heard a loud shriek, seeming to scream “NOO!”, behind me, dropping the box but fortunately not opening, nor breaking it. “Lucius! What the hell was that?!” Screamed Auxilius, “The ghosts haunt this old Villa, we best take the box as soon as possible, Auxilius” I replied. When we finally exited the Villa with the Box, I saw Governor Maximus alongside with a small band of Vigiles , in front of the Carriage. “Good work, Lucius. I knew that you would be most fit to explore such treacherous terrain.” Said Maximus “How did you knew about the Excavation?” I replied, “Many men were lost in the Villa. Not really built for a Professionally trained Excavation.” It was starting to be clear that Governor Maximus was the one who had actually Assigned us to Explore the Krevian Villa. “Now then, give me the Box and I’ll give you a 56,000 Denarii as reward for your Excavation.” Though, I was more than willing to give him the box for such large price, Auxilius wasn’t so convinced to trade the box for the reward. One of the Vigiles grew impatient of the Stubbornness of my friend and plummeted him to the ground before beating him to a bloody pulp, as a sign to what would happen if we would refuse to trade over. When the Vigile was finished, beating him, Auxilius slowly stand up and back away from the box. “Here, take it” I put my hands up and also just like Auxilius, backed away from the box. Two of the Vigiles, walked near and carried the box. I was given a box, no larger than the one that Maximus wanted, “It was, with great pleasure to meet you, soon I will task you again for something more important.” Maximus, and the band of Vigiles marched into the woods alongside the Villa’s box.”

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