TIFU By nearly killing my father as he emptied his bowels.

So I was a dumb little nerd as a kid and a constant prankster. It was my 13th birthday and I had just received the orange box half life collection and having a blast. Sitting there looking at my presents I was feeling kind mischievous and in the mood for some silliness. I received a large paper box of those little white snapper things that explode when you throw them.

Now simply throwing them at my sister would typically be my go to but I decided that was amateur. I came up with an even better plan. She had a bathroom next to her room that was basically just hers. I proceeded to lift up the toilet seat and completely cover the rim with countless of the explosive little things and gently put the seat back down so when sat on they would explode and scare the crap out of her.

I went back into my room to play opposing force and was so engrossed I kind of forgot and just kept killing head crabs and aliens. Partway through a particularly hard part I heard a crash and screaming. I turned to my door and my massive electrician dry drunk father came barging in screaming my name. He was normally pretty terrifying but this was on another level. Red in the face with veins popping out of his neck he proceeded to pull all the cables out of my computer and pulled me out of the room.

Well it turns out he had for whatever reason decided to use my sister’s bathroom, sat down to take a shit, and millions of little snappers exploded causing him to basically explosively shit himself and broke the hinges off the seat somehow. After nearly causing him to have a heart attack he was rightfully pissed.

I lost computer privileges, was grounded, and proceeded to have the worst birthday ever.

TLDR: I lined the rim under the toilet seat with explosive snappers in my sister’s bathroom to prank her. Ended up nearly giving my father a heart attack, breaking the toilet, and lost my half life privileges on my birthday.

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