You browse r/okbuddyretard?????

wow you browse okbuddyretard congratulations. Here’s you’re wholesome keanu chungus 100 meme award. You have a very sophisticated sense of humor because you browse okbuddyretard. You’re better than the rest of us because you browse okbuddyretard. We’ll never be able to understand your funny ironic humor. Your just too far above us. Only you could understand the humor of having emoji spam in the title of the post. And don’t get me started on the misspelling of simple words. That cracks you up every time I bet. And if we were as intelligent as you, it would be funny to us as well. But we’re not. We’ll always be a second class citizen compared to your level of humor and intelligence. In fact, I should be thanking \*you\* for your mere presence. I dream about being as cool as you. You deserve the nobel peace prize because you browse okbuddyretard. You deserve a million dollar check every time you open up reddit, and go to okbuddyretard. In fact you can have my reddit account. Hell, take my credit card information as well. And my social security. In fact, why don’t you just go and fuck my wife. You are truly wholesome 100. πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

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