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I’m going to be perfectly honest. I don’t give a flying fuck if it’s been five days since you last bathed. I don’t give a flying fuck if you just worked out for three hours. I don’t give a flying fuck if you have taken five shits today. I would without hesitation sniff, eat, and…

Smiles hopefully

I hear on the grapevine you’ve been ignoring me lately, darling. A slow smirk creeps across your face Maybe you need a refresher on just how good things can be between us. Your fingers brush against their arm, sending shivers down their spine Tell me, are you feeling a little disobedient? Voice drops to a…

How to defend yourself against the poop goblin

Just semi-overdose on caffeine before every shit you’re about to take so you spray paint the entire bowl in a brown mist. Poop goblins are greedy creatures, too much work to condensate the shit mist into an actual log. If gold was a mist, would it be economically feasible to condensate it to a gold…

the final shape trailer copypasta

When I woke up in this place, I almost could have believed it was paradise. I feel the light flowing through me, it’s everywhere. The ground beneath my feet is a memory. So is the grass, and the sky. The warmth of the sun on my face. Around every corner, every familiar hallway, I keep…

Philosophical debates should only happen in japanese red light districsts. If you can’t debate while bombarded with sex you have yet to reach enlightenment. Each argument must be punctuated by a tight squeeze of boobs and ass.

Philosophical debates should only happen in japanese red light districsts. If you can’t debate while bombarded with sex you have yet to reach enlightenment. Each argument must be punctuated by a tight squeeze of boobs and ass. The women will dampen themselves upon feeling the conviction in your palms. They feel drawn to the power.…

(Found on r/offmychest) I got raped by a monkey.

I got raped by a monkey. I won’t specify the country, I was inebriated, passed out after a night out and was staying in a place with a large population of monkeys, and one was caught on camera by my friend giving me oral (I’m a guy)… What do I even do I’m not joking…