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jone bellevue: Hi Michael, how are you doing today? Michael: Hey there Jone. I’m doing alright, just trying to pass the time really. What about you? jone bellevue: Not bad, just smoking a bit, you know. How’s the weather by you? Michael: Eh, same old. Cloudy and cold as always. You enjoying the smoke? You…

I inserted a chlorine tablet inside my vagina to get it clean.

So, 2 days ago I decided I was done with that fishy smell on my vagina, even with daily showers, with mild soaps. I tested for every ȘTI and any bacteria and found none. So yesterday I took a full bath and I filled the tub with water and put a tablet of chlorine to…

Lover of Dolphins

There are various ways a dolphin has of showing that she or he is interested in sex. Males are probably the easiest to detect. They will swim around, sporting an erection (anywhere between 10 to 14 inches long for a Bottle-nose), and will have no bones about swimming up to you and placing their member…

My boyfriend walked in on me masterbating to minecraft Steve.

I (f25) get turned on by Steve from minecraft. It wasn’t until 2 weeks ago, I saw minecraft fan art on twitter and they drew Steve looking so hot. So I began by masterbating to him. I was embarrassed by that so I kept it to myself. This went on for about 2 weeks. But…

i wanted sex tips from my sister and ending up fucking

So one night I (m22) felt super horny towards my sister (f25) and got the idea of asking her for sex tips. I went into her room and started casually talking to her kind of mentioning a couple things and I ask how she liked it? She started telling me and saying she likes her…