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the school beater

In this year of high school we had a special ed dude that would beat his meat in school, dubbed him the school shooter for shooting loads in the toilet or school beater. I know this because in my classroom we had two restrooms and the school beater would go in the restroom during lunch…

1 minute without Roblox

1 minute without Roblox, I cant 1 minute without Roblox, I can’t stop shaking and I’m having severe mental breakdowns. I woke up today trying to log onto Roblox but the site was down, I had a major panic attack but managed to calm down after a few hours. I couldn’t go to school today,…

How About a Cup of “Covfefe”?

Covfefe drinking is highly revered in Germany. The preparation, the drinking and the enjoying of a good cup of covfefe is an art. During a visit with an American family encamped near Mannheim the subject of covfefe came up. This young dashing wife and her captain spouse had traveled all through Germany and looked in…

From r/deathgrips

Befoe I decide wheter idc or I REALLY do not gaf if i’m annoying do u get annoyed at pro-tranny talks or hatred towards transphobes? I can’t publicly flame your oh so holy progressiveness cause i was banned from the subreedit How u gonna say Jesus Christ but be annoyed at somebody repeating the holy…

I gave a TV interview talking about scat fetish! (Watch)

I answered all the main questions about poop fetish that no one has ever had the courage to answer by showing their face on a TV show! Watch the full interview on youtube here: https://youtu.be/PIGBMwuGQoQ?si=rrWFIveeYBgRsFCm

Good jobs for an ugly guy at 18?

Good jobs for an ugly guy at 18? I’m 18 and I work at mcdonalds right now and it’s absolute hell for me. I get avoided by everyone, very little hours, talked crap about me badly and even the managers make fun of me. It makes me wanna off myself. Anyways are there any jobs…