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A copypasta is a block of text written by users online, to be copy-pasted across the internet for a funny or "meme" effect. CopypastaDB archives these memes on a daily basis to preserve this key part of internet heritage.

Attention: All copypastas found in this database are satire and should not be taken seriously. If you find any particularly offensive copypasta, report it here.

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  1. the bright side for nosy people, you get to listen into british conversations in the uk

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Casual helltaker

I have to admit: I like women in revealing clothing cuz I’m horny af hehe… However, I must say this: Sometimes, a modest character design can be somewhat sexy or attractive if you pull your cards right. Helltaker female character designs is a huge example of it (If you took Judgement out of equation of…

I accidentally mistook my dog for my wife

This all started when I got drugged by my ex who at the time was 15 F, she put fent pills into my drink and they took effect when I got home when I did get home the moment I closed the door behind me the fent took effect so I started seeing everything weirdly…

Why. (Basically dumb long convo)

There is no second opinion on religion except for other people, whose views are inherently biased. How does it work? I start with an assumption.I have free will.Thus, I can believe in what I want to believe. There are several religions all around the world that gather around the basis that there is a god…

YouTube is a great app! However, some people say there’s too many ads, but there really isn’t. For example, if I wanted to watch a 30 minute video, I’d get 1-2 ads, (usually skippable, and if not 30-60 seconds long, one int eh middle of the video and one or two at the end, (usually skippable or shor

YouTube is a great app! However, some people say there’s too many ads, but there really isn’t. For example, if I wanted to watch a 30 minute video, I’d get 1-2 ads, (usually skippable, and if not 30-60 seconds long, one int eh middle of the video and one or two at the end, (usually…


I shall get a vasectomy in solidarity with you ladies!! I don’t want kids and it pisses the patriarchy guys off😡

Rick and Morty High IQ

I need it, just got a brand new computer and I’m building up my copy pasta folder