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A copypasta is a block of text written by users online, to be copy-pasted across the internet for a funny or "meme" effect. CopypastaDB archives these memes on a daily basis to preserve this key part of internet heritage.

Attention: All copypastas found in this database are satire and should not be taken seriously. If you find any particularly offensive copypasta, report it here.

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  1. Доброго времени суток! Каково ваше отношение к искусственному интеллекту и его влиянию на будущее человечества? Администратору – огромное спасибо за…

New copypastas

What’s that copy pasta with the gay son and the wife?

It’s something like a gay son and his boyfriend come over to his parents house and the dad can’t do his wife because he can stop thinking about his son getting his “guts rearranged” (IT WAS A COPYPASTA😭😭😭)

Anytime somebody talks about star wars

Don’t make absolute shit and ask me to support it I’m seeing a lot of soybois on the sub lately downvoting very pro drinker takes. Since you are reading, read this- don’t ask me to support terrible fucking garbage not even you will watch. You want a Daisy Ridley Star Wars movie do you? Then…


🗣️red🟥and black⬛️I dress eagle🦅on my chest🌰good👍to be Albanian🇦🇱keep my head👤up high⏫for the flag🇦🇱I die😵im proud🗣️to be Albanian🇦🇱🗣️

Calamity ruined my life

I (18M) am an engineering student (2nd semester). Ever since i was a tiny wee lad, I always loved terraria, terraria has always been there at my darkest and my highest. I always played on xbox so my whole life i spent it playing vanilla terraria. That is, until a friend gifted me terraria on…

not applicable

Fuck you! What they had together was Beautiful and you’re just JEALOUS! U really gonna do my man Wall-E dirty like that? That spunky little champ could be drowning in robot puss back in the stacks- but no: he freaking goes to Space for her! He got a sick pad, a roach bud, high-def fresnel…

Smurf Cat was never funny

Okay, since everyone forgot about it, I can safely talk. Smurf Cat was never funny. Here is my explanation: first, the music choice. That random 2018 ahh song is a key component to its failure and success. It is very simple to mimic and since it’s copyright free, they could post the song legally without…