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Skibidi edging

It’s been 13 days since a new skibidi toilet episode has been released. I’m literally losing my mind. I NEED to see a new skibidi toilet or a sigma camreaman. I can’t even edge to the old episodes anymore because I’ve seen them so much. Please dashitboom im so horny and i really need to…

Not very “grey man” of you bud.

you’re one to talk lol leviathan or serpent spirits? I have a feeling that your ancestors weren’t present when my ancestors locked down the temple Al-Aqsa. The truth and knowledge that they took is written in our dna. Our spirits are of fire, burning hotter than a thousand suns. When the time comes to crusade…

My wife was raised in a Jewish household.

My wife was raised in a Jewish household. She follows Lilith as her personal deity. I’m more on the Norse/germanic slant of British traditional Wicca. As such I made a point to get to know her lady. My perception is she wants her sons and daughters to be free to choose. My wife and I…


I am most familiar with Spirituality, Western Esotericism, and Witchcraft in general. I am an Eclectic Pagan whose always been a lone wolf in their practice but seeks companionship now that she’s in his 30s. I am new to Wicca but not Paganism or Witchcraft. My beliefs hold a lot of similarities to Hinduism except…

I am looking into purchasing Crystals.

I am looking into purchasing Crystals. I am looking for meaningful change and spiritual growth as well as finical success and the success of my own personal ambitions. I don’t know if this helps but the following is some info about me: My souls name is Azoth, She is the Thrice Greatest’s Eternal Reprieve. I…


Words cannot describe how incredibly aroused choking makes me